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The Trojan War was one of the greatest wars in the history of Ancient Greece. It happened between the Trojans and the Achaeans. It is mostly known through the Iliad, an epic poem written by the Ancient Greek poet Homer.
The site of ancient Troy has been found, across the Aegean Sea on Asia Minor. The war may have taken place in the 12th century BCE.
The origins of the war (in the Iliad) started at the wedding of King Peleus and the nereid (sea-nymph) Thetis. They had invited almost all the gods to their wedding. But they did not invite Eris, goddess of strife. She was angry and she threw a golden apple among the guests on which was written "To the Fairest". The goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite caught the apple at the same time and fought over who was the most beautiful. Because they could not end the fight by themselves, they went to Zeus, the king of the gods.

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