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A species is a kind of organism. It is a basic unit of biological classification, and a formal rank in taxonomy. Originally, the word was used informally in a rather vague way, but now there are at least 26 different ways it is used.
All animals or plants that are the same kind belong to the same species. Wolves (Canis lupus) are one species. Humans are another species. Broadly, the idea is that (say) cats breed with cats and produce more cats. This is the basis for deciding to have a species named Felis catus. However, giving a simple definition of 'species' is rather difficult, and many people have tried.
Species is a word for a special kind of living thing, like a crow. r such as the songbirds, (which has many families in it, such as the crow, thrush and swallow families).

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Go to source: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species

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