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Do Not Swat the Wasp!

- Seirian Sumner

You probably like bees: they are cute and furry, and they pollinate our crops and wildflowers. In a world without bees we would go hungry, and our countryside would be very dull. But what about wasps? Wasps sting. They ruin your summer picnics. They nest in your house and make your parents angry. There is no reason to like wasps. At least, this is what most people think. Perhaps this is what you were taught in school, or by your family: see a wasp: swat a wasp! Scientists are challenging what people think about wasps and this article explains why we need to think differently about these insects. We will explain why most people do not like wasps and why we should care about them. We will also explain how scientists are asking for the public's help to learn more about why wasps are important, and ultimately how to stop people from swatting the wasps.

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Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2019.00149

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