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The Time Traveling River

- Parinita Shetty

Some rivers are peaceful in the winter. Some rivers are small and shy in the summer. Some rivers roar angrily in the monsoons. A river may be brown, grey, black, blue, green or several other shades. They change their colour based on what's inside them or what's around them. Sometimes they are the colour of the rocks at the bottom of the river. Sometimes they match the colour of the sky. Rivers also change their course. If a river is in one spot in the past, it may be somewhere else in the future. Many rivers like the Ganga are thousands of years old. They have seen humankind grow up. People have always loved living and working near rivers. Rivers know how to take care of people. Some of our food comes from rivers and river water is used to grow most food. When the food has made its way through the body, rivers to the rescue again! If rivers could speak, they might demand people dump their poop somewhere else. Humans aren't the only creatures rivers look after. Many birds and plants, animals and fishes, insects and flowers rely on rivers.

License information: CC BY 4.0
Go to source: https://freekidsbooks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Time-travelling-river_Pratham-FKB.pdf

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