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Returning to School After a Concussion

- Melissa McCart, Christina Karns, Meghan Ramirez, Matthew Dawson, & Ann Glang

It can be tricky to know when it is ok to return to normal activities after a concussion. You may want to return to school quickly so you do not fall behind or miss important assignments. You may want to get right back to your favorite sports and time with friends. The problem is that it takes most people a few weeks to a month to fully recover from a concussion. Research has shown that gradually returning to usual activities like school and sports is important for recovery. Doing too much too soon can make your recovery take longer. Taking it slow allows you, teachers, and parents to learn more about what you need for a successful recovery. Remember, every brain injury is different.
If your symptoms after concussion are manageable, you might just need to take it easy for a few weeks as you return to school. Taking it easy means staying on a regular schedule, going to bed at a reasonable time, and limiting time spent on anything intense, like video games. Just give yourself a mental break while your brain heals. In other words, being bored is a good way to recover from concussion!

License information: CC BY 4.0
Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2020.00020

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