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A Good Night’s Sleep: Necessary for Young Minds

- M. Elisabeth Koopman-Verhoeff & Jared M. Saletin

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that school-aged kids (6–13 years) sleep between 9 and 11 h a night. Teens are recommended to get 8–10 h a night and adults about 7–9 h. If you are a student, particularly in the United States, you may find it difficult to get this amount of sleep on school nights. As you go through puberty, your body wants to go to bed later and sleep later. But school (particularly in the U.S.) often starts too early! This makes it hard for teenagers to get enough sleep on school nights. By the weekend, you probably have missed so much sleep that you feel particularly sleepy, and you may dramatically oversleep as your sleep homeostat works hard to recover the sleep you need. If you oversleep all weekend, however, this can make waking up on Monday morning a miserable experience.

License information: CC BY 4.0
Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2020.00077

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