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Make Space: The Importance of Spatial Thinking for Learning Mathematics

- Katie A. Gilligan

Beyond its obvious importance in everyday life, it turns out that spatial thinking is also important for how well you do in school, particularly for mathematics lessons. People who are good at spatial thinking tasks also get high scores in mathematics tests. The link between good spatial thinking and good mathematics performance exists in people of different ages. For example, research has shown that infants who are better at constructing building blocks do better in counting and number tests. For children in primary school, many researchers have shown that different types of spatial thinking are important for different mathematics tasks. Children who are good at spatial scaling are also good at positioning numbers on a number line, and children who are good at mental rotation are better at doing calculation tasks with missing numbers like 3 + = 5. For adults, having good spatial skills is very important for certain jobs.

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Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2020.00050

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