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- wikipedia

Jet pack, rocket belt, rocket pack and similar names are used for various types of devices, usually worn on the back, that are propelled by jets of escaping gases (or in some cases water) to let a single user propel him or herself into the air or fly.
The concept emerged from science fiction in the 1960s and became popular as the technology became a reality. The most common use of the jet pack has been in extra-vehicular activities for astronauts. Despite decades of advancement in the technology, many obstacles remain in the way of use of the jetpack in the military or as a means of personal transport, including the challenges of Earth's atmosphere, Earth's gravity, low energy density of available fuels, and the human body not being naturally adapted to fly. To compensate for the limitations of the human body, the jet pack must accommodate for all factors of flight such as lift and stabilization.

License information: CC BY-SA 3.0
Go to source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_pack

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