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Children crossing!

- Jacqueline Jacobs

Lizzy lived next to a busy road. She would often sit outside and watch the activities of the street.
Full taxis carried people to work. Children passed on their way to school, and runners jogged past in the evenings.
Lizzy also liked to watch the insects as they crawled and flew around the yard.
Sometimes Lizzy nibbled on the sour flowers that grew under the tap at the back of her house.
One day, Lizzy saw two girls on the other side of the road. They wanted to cross and were holding hands for safety.
Mamma always told Lizzy, "Before you cross any road, look left, look right, look left again. Check it's safe to go."
Finally, there was a gap between the cars. The one girl sprinted across, leaving the other who was hesitating.
"Come on Mosa, quickly before the next car!" shouted the girl who had crossed. Mosa jumped forward without checking.
Lizzy watched with big eyes as the blaring of a car hooter reached her ears.

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