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Conservatism is opposition to rapid changes, and promotes keeping traditions in society. Gradualism is one form.
The first known use of the term in a political context was by François-René de Chateaubriand in 1818. This was during the period of Bourbon restoration that sought to roll back the policies of the French Revolution.
The term is associated with right-wing politics. It has been used to describe a wide range of views. There is no single set of policies that are regarded as conservative, because the meaning of conservatism depends on a given place and time.
Conservatism tends to support the notion of faith, particularly in Abrahamic traditions in countries where those are the main religions. In England, the publication of Edmund Burke's book Reflections on the revolution in France. In his book, he suggested people should be satisfied, and advocated a caring government. The two ideas go together.

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