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How Can You Get Better at Learning a Foreign Language?

- Charles E. Rojas, Elise W. M. Hopman, & Maryellen C. MacDonald

Because grammar is so difficult for people that are learning a foreign language, we tried to find ways to help people learn grammar. We first thought about how people can become good at memorizing vocabulary. Do you still remember how to say "the cat" in French? Take a second and see if you can come up with it without looking back at the example!
So? Do you remember what "the cat" is in French? If you guessed "le chat," you would be right! Unless you already speak French, this was probably a difficult question. The reason it is difficult is because we asked you to come up with the word in a foreign language. For most of you, who are familiar enough with English to be able to read this article, it would have been easier if we had asked it the other way around—asking you what the French words "le chat" mean in English or another language you know. This is easier because you do not have to come up with the French words, since they are right in front of you.

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Go to source: https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2020.00042

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