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In the Castle of the Sorcerers

- F. J. H. Darton

When they had tarried at this castle a certain time, they rode forth again. It was the month of June, when the days are long and birds' songs are merry. Sir Le Beau Disconus and maid Elene and the dwarf Teondelayn came riding by a river-side, and saw a great and proud city, with high strong castles and many gates. Le Beau Disconus asked the name of this city.
"They call it Golden Isle," answered maid Elene. "Here hath been more fighting than in any country, for there is a lady, fair as a rose, in this land. A giant named Maugis, whose like is nowhere on earth, has laid siege to her. He is as dark as pitch, stern and stout indeed. He that would pass the bridge into her castle must lay down his arms and do a reverence to the giant."
Then said Le Beau Disconus, "I shall not turn aside for him. If God give me grace, ere this day's end I will overthrow him."

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