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- By Annie Hamilton Donnell. and

They had got "way through," as Terry said, to the nuts. It had been a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner "so far." Grandmother's sweet face beamed down the length of the great table, over all the little crinkly grandheads, at grandfather's face. Everybody felt very thankful.
"I wish all the children this side o' the north pole had had some turkey, too, and squash and cram'bry—and things," said Silence quietly. Silence was always wishing beautiful things like that.
"An' some nuts," added Terry, setting his small white teeth into the meat of a big fat walnut. "It wouldn't seem Thanksgivingy 'thout nuts."
"I know somebody who would be thankful with just nuts," smiled grandfather. "Indeed, I think he'd rather have them for all the courses of his Thanksgiving dinner!"
"Just nuts! No turkey, nor puddin', nor anything?"
The crinkly grandheads all bobbed up from their plates and nut-pickers in amazement. Just nuts!
"Yes. Guess who he is?" Grandfather's laughing eyes twinkled up the long table at grandmother.

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