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- By Alice W. Wheildon. and

Freddie had been in the kitchen all the morning watching the various operations for the Thanksgiving dinner which was "to come off" the next day, when all the "sisters, cousins, and aunts" of the family were to assemble, as was their custom each year, and great was the commotion in the kitchen and much there was for Master Fred to inspect. When Ellen put her hand into the turkey to arrange him for the stuffing, great was her astonishment at finding a piece of paper. Drawing it quickly out she called, "Freddie, Freddie, see here! See what I've found in the turkey! I declare if he isn't a new kind of a postman, for sure as you're born this is a letter, come from somewhere, in the turkey. My! who ever heard of such a thing?"
Freddie, standing with eyes and mouth wide open, finally said, "Why, Ellen, do you believe it is a letter?"
"Why, of course it is! Don't you see it's in a envelope and all sealed and everything?"

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Go to source: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/19909/19909-h/19909-h.htm#A_NOVEL_POSTMAN

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