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The Grammar School Boys of Gridley or, Dick & Co. Start Things Moving

- H. Irving Hancock

"I have important news to communicate," began Old Dut dryly, after tapping the bell for the beginning of the afternoon session.
Dick and some of his friends looked up rather placidly, for they knew what the news was to be.
"All lovers of football in the Central Grammar School," continued the principal, "are requested to meet in the usual field immediately after the close of school. The purpose is to form a league and to arrange for games between the three Grammar Schools of Gridley. I will add that I am glad that so much interest in athletics is being displayed by our young men. To show my pleasure, I will add that if any of the young men in this school are so unfortunate as to incur checks this afternoon that would keep them in after school they may serve out the checks to-morrow instead. First class in geography! For the next twenty minutes the boys of this class are requested to remember that football is not geography!"

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