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Grace Harlowe's Plebe Year at High School The Merry Doings of the Oakdale Freshmen Girls

- Jessie Graham Flower

Wolves! The name was terrifying enough. But their cry, that long-drawn-out, hungry call, gave the picnickers a chill of apprehension.
"We must take the nearest way out of the wood, Reddy," exclaimed Tom. "They are still several miles off, and, if we hurry, we may reach the open before they do."
All started on a run, David helping Anne to keep up with the others while Reddy looked after Jessica. Nora and Grace were well enough trained in outdoor exercise to run without any assistance from the boys. Indeed, Grace Harlowe could out-run most boys of her own age.
"Go straight to your left," called Reddy, consulting his compass as he hurried Jessica over the snow.
Again they heard the angry howl of the wolves, and the last time it seemed much nearer.
"It's a terrible business, this running after a heavy meal," muttered Hippy, gasping for breath as he stumbled along in the track of his friends. "I'll make a nice meal for 'em if they catch me," he added, "and it looks as if I'd be the first to go."

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