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- Mary MacGregor

Then the little young Etin, for that was the name of Margaret's eldest son, took his mother's hand and called his six little brothers, and together they went through Elmond wood as fast as ever they could go. It may be that the mother led the way, it may be that so it chanced, but soon they had left the greenwood far behind and stood on an open heath. And there, before them, stood a castle.
Margaret looked and Margaret smiled. She knew she was standing once again before her father's gate.
She took three rings from her pocket and gave them to her eldest wee boy.
'Give one,' she said, 'to the porter. He is proud, but so he sees the ring, he will open the gate and let you enter.
'Give another to the butler, my little wee son, and he will show you where ye are to go.

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